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Some Royalty, Honors and Awards

1926 Milford Twp won the Story County Boys Basketball Championship- Coach Mickelson.

1956 Milford Twp won the Story County Boys Basketball Championship- Coach Ev Cochrane.

1957 Milford Twp won the Story County Boys Basketball Championship- Coach Lou Schrader.

HALL OF FAMES See pages 197-200.
Wrestling All Americans
Gibbons Brothers in Milford Twp

In the mid seventies, June 1974-July 1976, the wrestling Gibbons Brothers lived on the west side of Sec 17 at the farmstead that is now known as the Ron Stensland home. They, Jim `77, Tim `78, Joe `81, and Jeff `84, were the sons of Bill and Bea Gibbons. Joe was actually the only one to attend the Milford School when it was an attendance center for Nevada Community Schools. They all graduated from Ames. The four of them won 10 State Championships. Joe won 4 of those at 4 different weights- 98, 105, 126, and 132. Big brother Jim was an ISU wrestling coach for 7 years from 1985 to 1992. Jim won 3 State titles, Tim won 1, Joe won 4, and Jeff won 2.

Jim was All-American Collegiate `80, `81, `82.

Joe was All-American Collegiate `82, `84, `85, `86.

Jeff was All-American Collegiate `87, `89.

All, except Tim, are members of the Iowa High School Assoc. Hall of Fame. Tim, because of a serious injury, quit wrestling as a sophomore.


Ray Watson'34, a career barber, showed "Holiday Flash" a Tennessee Walking Horse at several classic events in the Mid-west, including the Iowa Stat Fair. He was very com petitive and won the Iowa Walking Horse Championship several years for earning the highest point tally at all shows.

Elmer Watson'35 farmed 50+yrs and was an accomplished coon dog trainer. He was the reining Iowa Coon Hunting Champion. He is also credited for originating the A-Z An nual Antique Sale.

Harvey Beal'37: Honored for 45 yrs as Ames school patrol

Harlan Harper Jr'44 was a member of the National Award Winning ISC Livestock Judging Team. He was selected for the Alpha Zeta Honorary Ag Fraternity. Harlan was also se lected a Life Member of the Iowa State Duroc Association.

Joe Harper'47 and wife, former teacher Phyllis Robinson were Iowans of the Day at the August 2008 Iowa State Fair and also received a 2008 State Farm Bureau Distinquished Service in Agriculture Award.

Gene Mortwedt'50 received the 1990 Story County Farm Bureau Award at the IA FBF annual meeting.

Bob Williams'51, 2009 Story Co Cattlemen Award.

Loren Olson'52R: after 31 coaching, the gym was dedicated to him at Cedar Rapids Roosevelt Jr Hi.

In 1970 Keith Hopkins, Milford's 1954-'57 Supt, was put into the Who's Who in Education. In 1979 he won the Iowa Association of School Administrators Golf Tournament.

Jurine Borton'56, as a IWC Jr, served as the Iowa College Home Ec Club Vice Pres. In 1976 IGHSAU honored Jurine as "an advisory Committee member whose research and study gave beyond that of the norm to the general welfare of the Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union". See page 210.

Ron Otto'56 was honored in 2004 by Lt. Gov. Sally Peterson for 45 years of service to the Iowa Dept of Transportation by the State of Iowa. See page 237.

Art Borton'57,1967 Outstanding Iowa Jr Farmer Award.

Jimmie Thompson'57, Excellance in Conservation pg 268.

David Bhend'59, won a National Merit Schlorship. Only six- tenths of one percent of each state's students win this honor.

Bill Couser'73N received three agriculture awards. Page 318.


Margaret Hereim`29 (Mrs Williard'33 Gilreath) represented Milford Twp in the Diamond Jubilee in 1928, the 75th celebration of the founding of Story County. Irene Rasmusson (Mrs Howard Jacobson) was the representative from the Mc- Callsburg school but lived in Richland Twp. See page 205.

John Wakefield`51 and Ruth Warren`54 were Milford's King and Queen of Hearts, a February Valentine's event.

Bonny Rierson'52 Crowned All College Sweetheart for Simpson College in 1952, her freshman year.

Ruth Warren'54 was Milford Twp's queen candidate for the 1953 Story County Centennial Celebration.

Dale Hughes'55, while at Oklahoma University, was an escort for the 1958 Sun Bowl Queen & her court.

Jurine Borton'56 was a member of the 1959 Homecoming Royalty for Iowa Wesleyan College.

Connie Petersen'59 won the 1959 "Miss Story City" Beauty Contest as the Milford Twp's representative.

Janice Radabaugh'61, 1959 Iowa Queen of the Furrow.

Perry Frey'62R, crowned Snow King.

Karen Thompson'64R, Roland Homecoming Queen and Senior Class President. See pages 103, 202.

In 1961 Milford merged with Nevada Community School and Milford Twp students were well represented in the Nevada High School Homecoming Royal Courts the fall of their senior year:

Gary Brooks

`62 Gary Brooks(Lester`32) elected 1961 King

`62 Mary Olinger (Wayne`38). 1961 Queen, (She married Ron Pauley`60)

`63 Carolyn VanZee, 1962 Queen and Linda Brooks (Mervin'38), Royal Court.

`64 Marsha Rasmusson (Jeff`32) and Wayne Tjernagel, Royal Court.

'65 Dennis Brooks(LaVern`40),Royal Court.

'66 Barbara Jacobson, Royal Court along with Joe Toot.

'67 Dean Twedt (Amil'33), 1966 King.

`68 Harriet Olinger (Wayne'38) Royal Court.

'70 Shelly Anderson (Lola Tjelmeland'47), Dave Book, Jeanette Brooks (Virgil'36), all in the Royal Court.

`75 Julie Christy (Dorothy Olson'50), 1974 Queen

`99 Scott Collings(Jeff'30 & Dau. Carol Jacobson'73) `98 King

`08 Lance Borton (Art'57 & Janice Radabaugh'61 grandson, son of Rick'68)'07 Nevada Homecoming Royal Court. Some Royalty, Honors and Awards

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