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A Pair of Interesting Documents. Left and Right: These two documents are very rare items now and are shared by the family of Ray Danielson ‘27. The one on the left was issued as an Eighth grade graduation certificate in June of 1923. This would have been the last full school year to have graduated from the wood one room schools and not get to use the new brick school. Also, notice that the certificate says, “entitles the holder to admission to any High School in the State.” That’s a powerful statement; and signed by the County Superintendant Kellogg.

Above: One of only ten such diplomas in the world is this copy of a 1927 diploma issued to Milford’s FIRST graduating class. Ray Danielson was one of those ten. It is signed by Supt Michaelson and Carl Warren, President of the School Board.
Above; The program from the first Alumni Banquet held in the spring of 1928, just a year after the first class graduated. On the side op- posite was a menu for the evening- nothing elaborate but very substantial. It was held at the Sheldon Munn Hotel in Ames.
Milford Farmer
Elected Iowa Pork Producer President

In May of 2007 Dave Moody, 10 year Milford 4-H leader, was elected to be President of the Iowa Pork Producers Association where he served for three years. In an unexpected turn of events, he does not own a pig, hog, sow, gilt of any kind as he is the manager of a farrow to finish operation and may be the first Pres of that organization to have been elected with that background. He owns the finishing barn but none of the pigs.

Both he and his wife, Alice, have been leaders in the Milford Marvels 4-H program. In 1979 Dave represented Story County and the State of Iowa at the National 4-H Club Congress. He lives one mile south and about three quarters west of Milford School on the south side of the road. The Moodys have lived in Milford Twp since 1988 and have three daughters, Krystal, Cara, and Celsay.

See pages 239-241.
The Supt’s Private Fishpond

For a while in the mid and early forties there was a ‘cultured’ fishpond about 7 feet in diameter and about 1 1/2 feet deep just to the southeast of the Supt’s house. This was, of course, off- limits to the students as it was supposedly the private property of the Supt. However, it was a temptation that was almost impossible to resist during a hot day’s recess to go into the shade and dangle one’s fingers, and if one were really bold, to remove the shoes and put your feet in the cool water, and watch the fish. One had to be very careful as the sides of the pool were very slick and if one slipped, then, by getting wet pants, he was creating the evidence that would convict him of doing something ‘forbidden’. Although I played there several times, I only was ‘caught’ once, but I don’t remember what the consequences were. Perhaps the teacher elected to ignore the wet pantlegs.         Dale Hughes ‘55

Alan Twedt ‘57 makes it look easy as he helps the Milford cause with a break away layup. This game was against Gilbert and resulted in a Milford Victory 87-61 in Dec of 1955. Alan got 16 for the evening and Norman Honderd tallied 26.

In Sept of 1955 the Parents Teacher Association held a meeting at the School. In a pair of seemingly con- flicting articles, one, before the meeting, said the PTA was celebrates its 25th year and another, just after the event said “Observed 30th birthday” at this meeting.

Whichever the case may be, the first meeting of the Milford PTA was held in September of 1925 with Mrs Martha Sowers serving as founder and first president of the organization.

At the meeting in 1955, with Irene Jacobson as President, one of the highlights was the recognition given to Mrs George Martha Sowers because of being the first president of the Milford PTA and in appreciation for her many years of service and Mrs EG Morfey for her outstanding loyalty during the years. Picture and article on pages 207 and 301.

Cake and ice cream were served at the close of the evening by Mrs Lon Williams and her committee, the ice cream being furnished by the PTA.

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