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Champion. She was honored in 1917 to be selected for the Thomas E. Wilson Chicago Tour which was the forerunner of the National 4-H Club Congress. See page 224.

Milford Township can be proud of their Milford youth, who have proven to do very well, not only with their projects and record keeping, but in leadership. The following list indicates some of the known ways they represented Milford Twp.


1955 Jurine Borton (`56), one of 120 recognized for their outstanding 4-H Record, personal achievements and record book excellence, in the nation. (She attended Iowa Wesleyan College and her scholarship was the first ever to be granted such use at a college other than a land grant university. See page 211.

IOWA DELEGATES to the NATIONAL 4-H CLUB CONGRESS or OTHER STATE EVENTS: 1939 Dixon Harper`40 Iowa 4-H Meat Judging Team. Also Market Hog Competition. 1939 Dixon Harper`40, 18th Annual. National Club Congress See page 200. 1940 Harlan Harper Jr.`41, 19th Annual, as the State Livestock Winner. 1940 Harlan Harper Jr.`41 National Youth Camp Delegate in Muskegan, Michigan. 1950 Richard Sorem, Camp Miniwanca Delegate in 1951. 1955 Jurine Borton`56, 34th Annual,National Club Congress; awarded a National 4-H Scholarship 1957 Art Borton`57, 36th Annual. National Club Congress 1957 Art Borton`57, Selected for the 1957 National Market Conference in Chicago Board of Trade. 1977 Kevin Brooks`77, 56th Annual National Club Congress 1979 David Moody (`79 Maxwell), 58th Annual National Club Congress. See page 335.
IOWA 4-H STATE OFFICER/COUNCIL: 1942 Harlan Harper`41, State Boys Vice President 1976 Kevin Brooks`77, State Council 1983-'84 Jane Richards, State Council
STORY COUNTY 4-H OFFICERS: 1940 President Harlan Harper Jr.`41 1940 President Doris Bailey`41 1941 President Bill Christy`42 1942 Vice Pres Dorothy Harper`43 1942 President Richard Comfort`42 1945 Historian Ila Mae Bailey `46 1949 Sec and Treas Eugene Mortvedt `51 1950 President Richard Sorem`50 1952-'53 Sec-Treas Art Sorem`52 1952-'53 President Ruth Warren`54 1954-'55 Sec-Treas Jurine Borton`56 1956-'57 President Art Borton`57 1956-'57 Historian Sandra Mortved`57 1957-'58 President Janet Rasmusson`58 1958-'59 Vice Pres Janice Radabaugh `61 1961-'62 President Gary Brooks`62N 1961-'62 Historian Sheriane Weave`62N (Mrs Ron Sorem'61) 1962-'63 Sec-Treas Linda Hughes`63N 1963-'64 President Sharon Nelson`64N 1963-'64 Reporter Loren Book`64N 1964-'65 President Joe Toot`66N The 4-H format changed to County Council: 1972-'73 Bill Couser`73N (Son of Dick Couser`47) 1973-'74 Cathy Couser`74N (Daughter of Dick Couser`47) 1975-'76 Kevin Brooks`77N, Brad Brooks`78 1976-'77 Rick Borton`78N (Son of Art Borton`57) 1976-'77 Brad Brooks`77N (Son of Virgil Brooks`36) 1979-'80 Dave Moody 1980-'81 Dave Boswell`81N 1982-'83 Jane Richards`83N 1986-'87 Eric Toot`87N 1987-'88 Erin Toot`89N 1993-'94 Melissa Jacobson`95N 1996-'97 Teri Hughes`97N (Daughter of Loyd Hughes`56)
STORY COUNTY 4-H WINNERS qualified for STATE: 1928 Jeanette `28 and Dorothy `31 Sowers, Demo Team 1929 Dorothy Sowers `31 Best Groomed Girl 1930 Vera Stevenson `32 Best Groomed Girl 1931 Mary Allen `34 both the Better Groom Girl and the Style Review Winner. 1938 Dixon Harper `40 Demo on Safe Livestock H'dling. 1939 Dixon Harper `40 showed the Champion Hampshire Boar at the Iowa State Fair. 1939 Dixon Harper `40 Livestock & Grain Judging Teams. 1940 Harlan Harper Jr `41 Livestock & Grain Judging Teams. 1942 Dorothy Harper `43 4-H Citizenship Trophy. 1942 Richard Comfort `42 Health Champion. 1944 Doris Moser `49 Horses. 1946 Ila Mae Bailey `46 Style Review Winner. 1953 Jurine Borton `56 Poultry Judging Team at State Fair. 1954 David Allen `55 & Dale Hughes `55 Demo Team, Blue. 1954 Sandra Mortvedt `57 & Jurine Borton `56 National Dairy Congress Demonstration Team. 1954 & `55 Dale Hughes `55 Story County Dairy Judging Team @ National Dairy Cattle Congress. 1955-1956 Jurine Borton `56 5 Home Economics exhibits, all 5 Blue Ribbon. 1956 Judith Jorgensen `57 "Room Exhibit" selected as the 1956 Iowa State Fair display. 1957 Art Borton, Pete Hadley & Norman Honderd (all `57) were the County Livestock Judging Team. 1964 Glen Egland's `43 son, Arlen had Co. Swine Champion 1977 Rick Borton & Brad Brooks were half of the Story County Livestock Judging Team. 1995 Melissa Jacobson (daug of Bob`57) Co Fair Queen.

2003-2012 Milford Marvels Leader Alice Moody reports their club regularly has projects, Working Exhibits activities and `Share the Fun' performances selected for the Iowa State Fair. Krystal, Cara and Celsey Moody have had one or more Foods, Home Improvement or Wood Working projects represent Story County.

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