Kansas then opened an office in Beverly Hills, Calif to practice Psychoanalysis. He was also a professor at U.C.L.A. By then we were a family of five living in Brentwood, a suburb of Los Angeles. I was a stay at home Mom with three children; Pamela, Valerie and Barry spending my time gardening, with study groups, bowling or as leisurely as I pleased. Traveling was a big enjoyment for us and we took many journeys around the world. A few of the highlights would be viewing the works of Michaelanglo, David and Pietu in Italy seeing Venice from a Gondola, climbing the Pyramids and riding a camel in Egypt, swimming in the Dead Sea in Israel and viewing the ancient Temples there. We went to Agra in India to see the Taj MaHal, we also saw the palaces and Blue Danube River in Austria. In Tokyo and Kyoto we visited the shrines. Then in nearby Thailand we watched the lovely Siamese Dancers perform. In Brazil I could see that Rio lived up to its reputation of beautiful women. I kept a keen eye on my husband. We have many journeys but the best part was coming home to our three lovely talented children here in Brentwood.
“Milford Township High School was a very important experience and will always be a part of my life.”Edit: The Christians actually lived a mile east and 3/4 north of the School. Hereims lived a mile east and 1/2 north of the School at the time. The Moldes lived a mile and 1/4 east of the School. Each of these families had daughters of about the same age so there was a lot of camaraderie within a short distance. In 1920 the Helgelands had lived a mile east, a mile north and a 1/4 mile east of the School and then moved to the farm 3/4 mile east of the School and left Milford Twp in 1928. The Hegelands moved to McCallsburg and their daughter, Sarah, graduated there in 1939. When Sarah started to School at Milford, she was with the class of 1939 and Phil Allen's sister, Ruth, (Mrs Alvin Nelson) was doing her first year of teaching. (Ruby died 14 Feb 2009)

When Forest finished high school in 1954 and was looking for a job, he came across an opening at the ISU Press. Forest applied, got the job and started in the shipping room and the next year he was promoted to foreman of shipping and receiving. Then a year and a half after that he was foreman of the Production Dept.
In 1978 the paper was computerized and between then and his retirement in 1994, he had to learn to use five different computer systems.
When he retired, after 40 years service, the paper wrote the following: “Experienced, hard-working, kind, patient, has a great sense of humor and is jack-of-all- trades. Excellent interpersonal and managerial skills.”

In July of 1956 there was a gas price war that started in Marshalltown when a dealer was giving a free gallon of gas with the purchase of seven at the common price. Other stations reduced their price about a nickel. This made the price about 25.9 cents a gallon. Also, re- call that the price included about 9 cents tax= 3 Fed, 6 State. In 2007 it's 20.7 cents/gallon State + 18.4 Fed.
In the 1952 Nevada annual there's a picture of a gas station in Nevada with the price legible --24.9 cents a gallon. In the early spring of 2011 gasoline is at $3.71.
Ol' Milford Farmer research: Iowa was the first State to have a cigarette tax= 2 cents a pack in 1921. It's now $1.36 tax a pack- 2007.
Edit: Couldn't decide if the following portion of an article in the 1870 paper was "Tongue in Cheek" or serious.
“Girls, marry farmers, if you marry for true happiness; for the farmer's wife has the society of her husband more than any other class. You have your work to do `tis true, but at night when the day's work is over, and you are seated at your sewing or knitting, he is there to read or talk with you. And then, rainy days, if you have much to do, he is there to help you. He is willing to take a bite of cake or pie, or a bowl of bread and milk for dinner with a promise of supper a little earlier. Then he will churn, bring in wood, and water, tend the baby and many little kindnesses which will make the day pleasant within, be it ever so stormy without. You could not enjoy all these pleasant hours with your husband if he were a merchant or a mechanic, for he would be obligated to be away, rain or shine. And when you get your farm cleared up, you are not obliged to work unless you choose to, for there are washing, sewing, knitting and many other machines invented to save you labor. And you are able to hire help if you wish. In no condition in life can a woman be more truly happy than living on a farm, with a good, true, noble man to help her along life's rugged path, and men who are brought up on a farm are the most pure-minded, noble class, in the world.“
See Milford Township Marriages pages 90, 218.