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Milford Township and Proud of It

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Full view of photo taken in 1920 when students were in the first grade at the new relocation of the one room schools. Used for close-up on the previous page. Of this class of 37, 17 graduated in 1932, making this the largest graduating class in the history of Milford Township Consolidated School. This is the only known picture of one of the wood one room schools that stood in Milford Twp and this picture is not of the school when it was in its original place. It's not known which of the 8 wooden schools this is. Note the bus wagon just barely on the right side of the School.
Joe Alfred about 24 years later
Joe Alfred at work, "on duty", and Joe Alfred "on leave" during WWII. He was stationed in Germany and the scene at right appears to be stateside.
Some Milford Marriages

Supt Morgan, in the fall of 1931, surprised the student body when he announced he had wed Jessie Storie. The couple was in Topeka, Kansas for the event. She had been a teacher in Tabor(?) for the previous two years. No mention is made how they had gotten to know each other.

Vivian Kimble'27 Married Gaylon Mann, Janitor from `31-'39. The coach married a teacher: Arvid Lein 1930-'34 Rena Mauch 1931-'33.

Myron Larsen `35 Bus Driver and Farmer married a Milford Teacher, Ruth Hauser 1938-1941.

Joe Harper `47 married elementary teacher Phyllis Robinson 1949-'51 in 1950.

Perhaps the only Milford High School student that married their teacher was Alice Grindem `52, who wed Gerald Petersen, coach at Milford for one year 1951-'52. Two years later, in a Christmas Card exchange, a romance was kindled and their marriage in 1955 has joined many others from Milford by acheiving the 50 year mark. He became a Medical Doctor and she was a nurse. A list on page 190 for a total of 55.

Site of a Blossoming Romance
The William Stevensons

This beautiful photo, actually taken in Warren Township Four miles southeast of McCallsburg, shows a group of young people, two of whom later are wed. The teacher, the tallest fellow in the photo, William A. Stevenson and the first girl to his left, Bertha Menzel, were later wed and became long time residents of Milford Township. The William Stevensons moved to Milford Township in the Spring of 1923 and lived on the south side of section 26 on the north side of the road- just across the road from the county home farm. They were the parents of three Milford Students- Vera 32, Earl (Died, 1938, at 15 while in the eighth grade), and Richard 47. A portion of Earl's story is told in `Tragedies in Milford Twp' - 1938 Death- page 74.

Their daughter,Vera, started the Milford portion of her schooling in a one room school for the first several months of that first year. There were thirty-seven students in this one class, however, by graduation time in 1932, the number had dropped to seventeen; but this still was the largest class to graduate from Milford Twp.

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