Fred, son of Harold Matters, graduated from Milford in 1944 after a great career as a athlete. He set a free throw record (ten consecutive) in the County Tournament that probably still stands. He won eight letters- 4 in Basketball and 4 in Baseball.
Fred was in the Army and in Japan from 1945-1947.
He started College at ISTC in `47. He started teaching with a two year degree at Clemons and 17 years later he had earned his Masters Degree from Drake. He began his career as a Supt at Gladbrook for four years and then to BGM (Brooklyn, Guersey and Malcom) in 1971 for 16 more years and in the Area Six where he held various titles. His interest in athletics surfaced again at BGM where they built a new swimming pool, track, and 6 room Jr. High addition.
His wife of 57 years, Lorine, is from Ruthven, Iowa, a graduate of ISU, and was the Tama Co. Extension Home Economist for 23 years. They are the parents of 2 girls and a son. For some more about his athletic career- See pages 103, 203, & 309.

Bill (William), graduated from Milford with the class of 1959, which was quite a group of very intelligent, and motivated youngsters. Bill, as a Junior, had the highest scoring average in the county for his Milford Basketball Team.
The photo is from Bill's senior year when he served as a bus driver and proudly wore his letter jacket for the driver's picture.
He graduated from State College of Iowa (UNI) in 1963 and started a long career in Education at Jewett Jr. High in Evansdale, Iowa. In 1968, Bill moved into the administration portion of education at Cedar Rapids. He started going to summer school to earn his Master's Degree at Western State College of Colorado and then at the University of Iowa.
In 1970 he moved to Jefferson High in Cedar Rapids and was there for 20 years. From 1968-'77 he attended Iowa U to earn his Ph.D. which he obtained in 1978. Then in 1979 he went to UCLA to study Mastery Teaching. In 1992 he was given the opportunity to become the Supt at Marion Iowa. He was there for ten years and finished his forty years as a public school educator.
He is the son of Howard and Irene Jacobson and is married to Mary Jane McCall, also a teacher, of Gowrie and they are the parents of one girl and one boy. Bill had a sister, Bernita, who also obtained a Ph D. See pages 171, 203 & 204.
No Milford Twp team ever made it to a state tournament, however the following former Milford Twp Youth experienced State Tournament or State Honors:
Margaret Hereim'30 represented Milford in the All State High School Chorus.
Marilyn Smith'44, daughter of Marvin Smith Sr, was a Cheerleader for Nevada for the 1942 Nevada team when they won the State Consolation Trophy.
Marguerete Halverson'46, only daughter of Supt B.G. Halverson, left Milford Twp in the summer of 1945 for Coon Rapids when her father entered business and left school administration. (However, do note that later Mr Halverson became County Supt for both Carroll and Pottawattamie Counties.) Coon Rapids had been state contenders in the previous four years, placing 3rd in the 1944 Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union State Basketball Finals and runner-up in 1945 finals. At Milford Twp she had been a forward but she earned a position on the first team at Coon Rapids as a starting guard and helped them win the 1946 Iowa Girls High School Basketball Championship. Maguerete's picture was in the Des Moines papers several times during that tourney and she reported she was surprised to have received letters from guys overseas in service. (pg 141)
Garol Cooling'49 played on the Clemons team that was runner-up for the Iowa High School Baseball Championship against Davenport. Garol was the left fielder. They finished 17-1.
Jack Morris'49 (selected to the first team of the North Story County Conference Basketball Team.) Jack was offered an athletic scholarship but went into the Army as a paratrooper where he met and married an All State Girls 6 on 6 player, `Jimmie' Spearmann, from Georgia.
Franklin Egland'51 played for Coach Buck Cheadle and the Roland Rockets in the 1951 Iowa High