half miles of graveled road within the township. This was the six miles of Hartland Road (E-29) and the two and a half miles of road going to the County Home. (Actually to the northwest corner of Sec 35 west of the county home) Also, the six miles on the east side (adjoining Richland) was done as was the three miles of Dayton Rd south of Dayton Park. That was a common border with Franklin Township.

1925 Fall-A.E. Mickelson heads Milford Consolidated Twp School. He had been at Roland as principal and came to Milford where he also served as coach and coached the Milford Boys basketball team to the County championship in the spring of 1926. No seniors were on this team.
1927 Spring- First graduating class from Milford Twp Consolidated School. Why it took seven school years to have students go through the four years of high school is not explained and so it leads to speculation why the matter was handled this way. The consolidated schools opened in fall 1920 (Presumedly with a ninth grade) and tenth grade was added in 1921-'22. So, for the three school years of 1921-`22, 1922-`23, and 1923-`24, the highest grade at MTCSs would have been tenth grade. This may have been a combination of several factors. One of which could be there simply wasn't adequate room. For example, the class of 1932 (which was Milford Twp's largest graduating class at 17) started school in 1920 with 35 or so students. 2) Perhaps the students who were advancing had already made commitments to tuition out to other schools. Perhaps, on the other hand, the school board required them to tuition out. 3) Perhaps the students simply did not go to school for the year(s) that had no appropriate class for them. Then, in the summer of 1924, when the new brick school had been completed, the eleventh grade was added. With this new structure, it could be suposed that the first graduation class would have been 1926; but such was not the case. When classes ended in the spring of 1925, only five students had been working toward the goal of being in the class of 1926. Of these, one did not have enough credits to be classified as a senior, one student dropped out, and a third, Roy Pond, was twenty years of age. So, at best, there would have only been two or three students. One of these elected to stay and complete their education in 1927 and so, rather than have such a small number of people graduate in 1926, the decision was made to postpone the first graduation until the next year. When there was mention of Milford's 1926 winning basketball team starting the 1926-'27 season, the paper states that no players were lost by graduation last year so apparently no one had tuitioned out. Phil Allen, who would have graduated in 1922 from Milford High School, had it existed, tuitioned into Nevada and graduated from there in 1922.
1931 Summer- In the middle of Aug the Moses and Clark families, who lived in the south portion of our township, went before a joint school board (Milford and North Grant) meeting at the court house and requested that their children be permitted to attend