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Milford Township and Proud of It

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Directors at the New Story County Home: Mr and Mrs McNew 1918- ? Mr and Mrs Jacob C. & Millie Berlow Ersland ?-1935 Esther `35 JaVerne (Mrs Orval Kalsem) Robert `43 Veda (Mrs Rodney Sutter) (JaVerne, Veda graduated at Slater) Robert (an earlier son, died at 12) Mr and Mrs Earl A. McCord July 1935-April 1947 Betty `36 James `39 Mr and Mrs Irwin & Alma Grindem April 1947-1966 Alice `52 John `60 Mr and Mrs Don & Dorothy Anderson Mr Larry Rohret

Alma Anderson Grindem grew up in Milford Twp in Sec 14, a mile east and 3/4 mile north from the School on the east side of the road.


It was reported that in about 1939 a tornado took a large portion of the roof from the County Home and damaged the Stevenson home across the road. Also, in the spring of, probably, `43 a tornado completely destroyed a house that sat on the east side of S-14 about a mile and a half south of E-29. The twister had come out of Milford Twp, traveling east southeast, and had the remains and contents of the house spread out into the field to the east south east for a hundred yards or more. Someone either brought to School a barn board with a piece of straw that had been driven through it by the force of the wind or they talked about it in “Show and Tell”. Neither of these tornadoes could be found in the Nevada Newspapers. On 11 June 1929 a small tornado did moderate damage to the C.M. Minkler farm, located, it is believed, north of Milford School a half mile. There was also a tornado north of Milford School in Sec 15 in 1926.

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1880 Era-- Soper's Mill
First of four scenic pictures from the Ames Historical Society: This fantastic early spring shot, looking to the southeast, locks in time the appearance of the Soper's Mill area in probably the late 1880's to mid 1890's. The dam has apparently been rebuilt, which was done in about 1884. A different source says 1894 or `95. It's interesting to look at the buildings that dot the landscape in the background. On top of the hill at the right, appear to be two houses. Note that in this scene the Mill House stood on the northeast side of the small ravine, while in later pictures of the barn taken in the mid thirties, the barn is on the southwest side of the ravine.

Located in the northeast portion of the northwest quarter of Sec 7 of Milford Township, this once very well known Soper's Mill area was first constructed on the South Skunk River in 1856-57 by the Thomas Hughes family. In a complicated transaction with a skilled carpenter, JJ Coon, Hughes “swapped” 169 acres of land just northeast of Gilbert, which didn't exist in those days, for 169 days of labor. As Coon was a very skilled carpenter, he probably instructed, as foreman, a crew of men which included Hughes's sons and nephews. This sawmill was used to saw lumber that had been floated down the river. Almost unbelievable now in the 20-21st century, this mill cut up many stately oaks and walnut trees for railroad ties

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