Weather and the results of weather have always played a big part in the lives of those who depend on agriculture. I remember one spring morning while on the mail route, similar to the one we now enjoy, where we had a lot of storms passing through the area. One particular morning storm clouds were especially threatening and little funnels of clouds would drop down then recede back in the clouds. One funnel was especially threatening. I waited on four corners to see just what direction the funnel was going to take. Believe me, I was determined not to go in the wrong direction to escape it if it got to the ground. That funnel drifted off to the northeast in the direction of Waterloo. I later learned of damage it had caused over in Grundy county.
In the early 1900s Milford township was known among waterfowl hunters as an ideal place to hunt ducks on account of the large number of marshes in that part of the county. Those marshes gradually disappeared as they were drained in the 1920s. Today, the location of many of those marshes is apparent after heavy rains as large potholes appear and slowly disappear when the underground tiles and dredge ditches carry off the unwanted water and drain into what is known as West Indian Creek, which has its headwaters in Milford Township. .......Hope you can use some of this, If I can help further, let me know. It has been a real pleasure to have been able to recall the many memories of carrying mail in Milford Township. Bill. -See page 46, 273.
Resolved: "There is more Pleasure in Pursuit than in Possession in regard to Marriage". This was a portion of the program for 21 Dec 1911 for the Pleasant Grove Country Club. Ev W Kimble and Ev Harnden for the affirmative with EW Sanders and Mrs Ev Harnden for the negative. The judges decided 2-1 for the negative point of view. The record does not indicate if the debate was humorous or, on the other hand, "dead serious". Ice Cream, cake and coffee were served before folks went home. The Country Club had been organized just a month or so before.
Si Thompson, father of Clarion `54, and his brother, Casper, played instruments in local band concerts around central Iowa. Clarion says that his Dad farmed in the `40's during the day and played for dances in Marshalltown, Fort Dodge, Des Moines as well as at Dayton Park and Lake Comar south of Story City.Cap taught band in the Roland Schools. Cap was very much involved in the music
portion of the services and meetings at the Pleasant Grove Church. Cap lived on 580 Ave near the southeast corner of Sec 5. Right: Si Thompson with Lyman Morgan. Si lived east of P G and Morgans lived a little north and east. (Now under I-35)