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Milford Township and Proud of It

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The Starlite Lounge Independent Team contained some Milford connection as shown in this early 1970's Nevada Journal Photo. Art Borton `57, front left, and Ron Otto `56, front center, along with Wayne Tjernagel `64, back row second from the left. The Weuve Brothers, Ron and Dennis, flank Ron Otto and are well known in the Milford area. Loren Tjernagel, back next to right, older brother of Wayne, also was known in the Milford area as was Fred Mathison, back row third from left, who was a County Supervisor. The fellows finished the season at 21-8.
Below: The Floyd Twedt Family. Back: Grace (Tendall `35), Floyd `32, Arlen `62. Front: Nancy `71, Dennis `64, and John `66. They lived one mile east, two miles north, and a quarter east on the north side of the road. Arlen, `62, became very interested in the history of the Norwegians in Iowa and authored a couple books on the subject. John became one of the famous "Twedt,Twedt, Toot Toot" track team at Nevada High School. In many of the early pictures of Milford, Floyd is one of the few that is easily recognized because of his height and blond hair. Both Arlen and John were Profs at DMACC
1947 A picture of style. Dorothy Tendall, from the class of `47, had a job in a Nevada clothing store after graduation. This store was located near the south end of Main Street on the east side.
The North South Pipeline
The five posts represent the south north buried pipeline that crosses Milford Twp. The photo is looking to the NNE at the intersection two miles east of Milford School. The "right of way" was first used in 1931 for a gasoline pipeline and has been added to four times; 1937, 1950, 1968, and 1978. Currently there are 5 lines in place. One is an optic line and two are petroleum lines. It goes through the very west sides of Secs 1, 12, 13, 24, 25, and 36. This view in the spring of 2007 is looking to the NNE at 190 and 610, two miles east of Milford. When originally plotted the company was the Great Lakes Pipeline, then Williams Bro, and now it's Magelann Pipeline when they took over in 2000. It's for the Kansas City, Minneapolis corridor area. There's a pumping station one mile east of Roland. Faintly visible at the horizon is the east west power highline. See page 33.
Rural Water in Milford Twp

The pipes were put in and the customers received their first water bills at various dates throughout Milford Twp. For example, those in Sec 14 and 15 received service in 1991 and most others within two years afterwards. The water came from wells north of Marshalltown.

Ol' Milford Farmer think: when you get yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin' and close mouth.

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