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Milford Township and Proud of It

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The Undefeated 1956-’57 Boys -- Jr High Team of 1952
Left to Right- Front: Dick Neasham, Alan Twedt, Bob Jacobson, Peter Hadley, Norman Honderd: Middle Row: Mrs Jessie Petersen, (Junior High Teacher and chaperon) Robert Baldus, Ron Otto, Larry Miller, Art Borton, Earl Jones: Back Row- Unidentified, Loyd Hughes, Duane Brodie, Wilbert Hadley, Bill Thompson, Jerry Baldus, and Coach Gerald Petersen. This team was un- defeated in play! The Petersens were not related. Dr. Gerald Peterson in 2009 remembered that as their coach he always played all the boys in every game.
1956 Girls Basketball

Front: Marcia Jacobson, Sandra Mortvedt, Sharyl Buchanan, Sandra Nelson, Doris Pauley, Shirley Groomes, Barbara Sorem, Rita Thomas. Back: Coach Ev Cochrane, Chaperone Mrs Jessie Petersen, Janet Rasmusson, Norene Hughes, Janet Hansen, Patsy Haugland, Janet Sorensen, Jurine Borton, Hazel Horness, Manager Judith Jorgensen. Record 9-10. The 1954-’55 team had a better record at 16-6. See pages 108-110, 202, 211, 266, 315.

Three girls from this squad were selected to the All Story County Team; Senior Jurine Borton was a Second Team member and Senior Hazel Horness, along with Freshman Norene Hughes, were given Honorable Mention status. Note the protective wall mat hanging down on the right side- This was caused by fellows running at the goal, placing their foot high on the wall-mat, grabbing the rim, and slam-dunking the ball. Note the same effect on the 1955 team pixs.
A story starts on page 98.
Note the mascot bulldog which was used in the Cochrane era and was given to him when he left Milford and it is still in the Cochrane trophy case in 2011.
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