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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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Fourth Grade News: Twelve pupils have joined Mr. Groethe's Beginning Instrument class in February. They will start beginners' band, which will meet on Tuesdays at 3:30 p.m.

According to the Basic Skills Tests, the fourth grade pupils made an overall class average of 10.6 points gain in arithmetic during the past year. The highest individual gains were made by Randy Holsinger and Tom Kimberley. A 10 point gain is considered an average gain. We think this is quite good recommendation for the new Scott Foresman Arithmetic being used for the first time this year in the fourth grades. Rita Caulkins rated in the 98 percentile in composite grades.

Fifth Grade News: We just finished a mystery and are ready to start John F. Kennedy and PT-109 written by Richard Tegashis. The two reading groups have finished their first basic readers. They will exchange with each other so that each group will study two of the Scott Foresman books. A silent reader will complete the year's work. Ron Beavers won our division race on Friday. Friday also brought sixteen perfect spelling papers. Music contest was held in West Des Moines on March 7. Each contestant received a medal: Bob Oswalt rated 1+ (Superior) on the trombone; Joan Altes 1+ on the clarinet; Dan Huntrods 1 on the trombone; Ron Beavers 2+ (Good).

Sixth Grade: Twenty-six pupils in the class. After we finish the unit in Social Studies, we are going to study "The Hanging Earth" in Science. In February we had a tea for our mothers. Several musical numbers were presented by the members of our class. (Reported by Marvin Huntrods)

Carnival Everything is back to normal now that the carnival is over. No more afternoon rehearsals and no more candid cameras. The carnival was a big success for everyone. The juniors made the most money with their stands; general store, roach race, and the cake walk. Some of those cakes sure were expensive. The seniors made $96 from their spook house and dart throw. The sophomores made $91 from their baseball throw, basketball throw, putting green and guessing group. The freshmen made $84 from their ring toss, penny pitch, and fish pond. The junior high also had some stands and the PTO had a guessing group. The PTO also served meals in the evening. The main door prizes were a transistor radio won by Mrs. Gill Newman; Tiger Joe won by Tommy Williams; and Nancy Nurse won by Susan Fraunsdall. (Reported by Bonnie Downing)

On Friday evening, March 6 about 20 Collins students attended the ninth annual Iowa Falls Musical Show. The students were accompanied by Mr. Groethe and Mr. and Mrs. Hinders. It was quite clear the Iowa Falls students had worked considerably to present the variety show. The variety of talent displayed was enjoyed immensely. We Collins students enjoyed comparing the musicality show to our own prior Hi-Lites. (Reported by Greg Robinson, Music Editor)

Humor: Teacher - "Why don't you answer me?"
Student - "I did. I shook my head."
Teacher - "You don't expect me to hear it rattle, do you?"

Humor: Teacher - "When that naughty boy threw stones at you, why didn't you come and tell me instead of throwing stones back at him?"
Youngster - "What good would that do? You couldn't hit the side of a barn."

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