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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 7: Fall 1952–Spring 1956

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Sociology Class - We are learning, or at least trying to learn, why we are as we are. That is heredity and its relation to environment; one of our prime arguments is whether heredity or environment is the most important. Another big issue is the establishment of our position in society. There is a struggle for a place in society, then the fight to adjust to the new position. We have studied the methods society uses to control individuals. We have just completed the part entitled, "Social Institutions." They are the family, religion, economic order or class, and the government. We find that as you live and grow, each of these has a definite effect upon you and favors the idea that perhaps environment has more to do with the individual than heredity. We are starting the chapter on "Social Problems." People have their viewpoints and here in this casual class everyone speaks up. I think this is a very interesting class; what could be more interesting than people? The subject of sociology is not a pre-determined study, but is different each day as people change and their viewpoints differ. ~ Assistant Editor, Mary McGrane. Class teacher - Louis Schrader.

April 1, 1954 Grade News: Second - For Numbers, we have been working on addition and subtraction facts to 16. We have also been doing story problems. For an extra project, the boys and girls are writing to 500. We have been writing letters in Language and also are working on speaking clearly.

April 8, 1954 Music groups won honors in the music contest at Colfax. The judges listen to the groups from different towns, write out the good and bad points of the group, and then rate them I, II, and III. The groups are not in competition with each other, but are rated by the standards of the judge. The groups or solos with a I rating advance to the State contest. Collins was well represented with fourteen participants. We are very much pleased with our ratings - six I's, six II's, and two III's. The ratings are, Vocal solos: Maris Slauson - I; D. G. Partridge - I; Mary McGrane - III; Elliott Partridge - III. Instrumental solos: Mary Jo Shultz - Piano solo - II; Coronet solos by Don Shultz - II, John Vasey - II, D. G. Partridge - II; Quentin Keagle - Trombone solo - II; Rex Morrison - Tuba solo - I; Vocal groups: Girls trio - Maris, Mary, and Sandra - I; Instrumental groups: Brass quartet - Quentin, Larry, D. G., and John - I; Trumpet trio: D. G., John, and Don - I; Trumpet quartet: John, Don, Darwin, and Bill - II.

Athletic Banquet: On Tuesday evening, the parents of some of the Collins high school students staged a banquet in the gym to honor our junior and high school boys and girls athletic teams. The banquet was potluck, which always means plenty of good food. After dinner, there were a few musical numbers by some of Mr. Steddom's music students. Tables and chairs were removed for dancing. We want you folks to know we appreciate it very much.

South Story Conference Basketball Banquet held March 23 in the Colo gymnasium. Basketball teams of Huxley, Slater, Colo, Cambridge, Maxwell, Shipley, and Collins, and some faculty members of each school attended. The tables were decorated with white coverings, trimmed with black crepe paper and the emblems of the different teams as centerpieces. After the dining part of the banquet was completed, the entertainment was held. Each school prepared an act to present. Collins' barbershop quartet sang three numbers. The placings of the conference teams and the selection of All-Conference teams were announced. Collins Girls - Betty Spooner (56) (f), received honorable mention. Collins Boys - John Vasey (56) (f) and Jack Kilgore (55) (c), were selected on All-Conference team, the only non-seniors selected. Ronnie Long (55) (g) received honorable mention. No second teams were named. The Slater boys' team received extra congratulations as they represented the conference at the State tournament.

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